Laura is back with another sassy postcard from her summer days in Monte Carlo! Laura recommends visitng Beefbar for the best protein in town. Coming from a meat eating family, and having eaten at other establishments from the same beef supplier I can second her tip to head straight for this water side resto for a great meal! Thanks Laura for the tip! See you soon. X

“Alex! Yes, we are here… and we all get the best protein at Beefbar. My favorite resto!!! Xxx Laura”

View more #postcardsfrommygirlfriends here @postcardsfrommygirlfriends


For a moment of respite from the gambling, the racing and the subathing seek out the little but gorgeous Japanes Garden, Av. Princesse Grace, Monaco for a short stroll through the pristinely kept grounds. 


In Monaco it is perfectly reasonable to dress up during the day and dress up even more by night! But it’s also acceptable to just be a cool cat and wear your own style as you want. Try this floral jacquard pencil skirt.


Beef Bar in Monte-Carlo at 42 Quai Jean Charles Rey, Monte-Carlo, Monaco.


Stay at the Hotel Hermitage at Square Beaumarchais, MC 98000
Principality of Monaco.